Dear Friends: February - Thank You

Dear Friends,

All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.
1 Cor 12:27

This month I want to say two simple words – Thank you.

Thank you to all the people who volunteer at All Saints and contribute to our life together. People who volunteer in different ways, some practical, some spiritual, many that are both. Churches run on volunteers and they are frequently not easy to replace when for whatever reason they are no longer able to continue their service.

Service is a good word for volunteers. We may think of the servers as those who robe and assist at the altar during Holy Communion. We may think of ‘The Service’ as what we gather for on Sunday (or during the week). Both are related to worship. When we volunteer at church it is a part of our worship – our offering to God. And like all of our worship volunteering not only is a gift to God but enriches each of us spiritually.

So do we have enough volunteers at All Saints? Well I have never known a Vicar who said that we had enough Volunteers! At All Saints we do pretty well however. Many congregations struggle, especially for the more spiritual roles such as serving, welcoming, hospitality, interceding or leading children’s work. There are many other areas of church life where we are well served too – after 16 months I still feel I am only exploring the tip of the iceberg of who does what! Whilst we would always welcome more people in these areas I am very impressed by the quantity (and quality) of those who give of themselves in these roles.

However where we struggle a little is in volunteers for some of the more one off practical things that need doing - working parties for example! There are a number of things that need special attention through this year. One is the impression we give at the entrances of the Church – our car park entrance is in good condition, but many people walk through the vicarage driveway. Another is the impression we give from the front of our hall, which is beginning to look a little tired. Those of us on the Mission Action Group have been thinking about these and other areas as we look towards the future.

Volunteering should never be about compulsion but vocation. Vocation means every one of us being who God has called us to be - it is not just about the ministry team! God has called each of us to a rich and rewarding life with him as part of his family the church. The Bible speaks of how we are one body with many parts – each with an essential role to play. If you would like some help reflecting on what your part may be in the body of the church then please drop me a line – I will be glad to talk and pray with you.

So here’s to the volunteers in all aspects of All Saints life. Every single one is valued and appreciated.

God bless,
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