Father, look upon the face of Jesus Christ your Son, who gave up his life to set all people free. From the rising of the sun to its setting, may your name be great among the nations, and in every place a pure sacrifice be offered to your glory.
Common Worship - Times and Seasons
8.00am BCP Communion || 10:00am Parish Eucharist || 6.30pm Evensong
Latest News about our #Worship
Worship lies at the heart of the Christian life, and Sundays at All Saints are special. Whatever we can offer God is only a reflection of what Jesus offered in his life death and resurrection. As we worship we join our offering with His in Holy Communion - the Eucharist.
Parish Eucharist
At our main 10am service we are confident in bringing the old and the new together. In a typical service we will sing hymns and songs, involve people of all ages, and have plenty of movement, signs and symbols. We use data projection for the words of our services - so you won't have to worry about losing your place in a book!
Children are very much part of our worshiping life at All Saints. On three Sundays a month we run Little Saints for primary age children. The children start in the service and we pray for them and send them out. We welcome children to holy communion, so Little Saints return to us before we break bread and share wine. As children grow older we encourage them to help lead our worship as servers or singers.
Once a month we have a Family Eucharist service with an all age talk and plenty of explanation of all the different things we do in church. Many adults find this as illuminating as the children!
Prayer Ministry
Worship is not just about the Father and the Son - but also being open to the Holy Spirit. So we offer prayer ministry for healing or for a deeper knowledge of God on a regular basis.
Prayer Book
We also value more traditional forms of worship, and our 8.00am Prayer Book Communion and 6.30pm Evensong services are well supported.
During the week Morning Prayer is said Monday to Friday at 9.00am, and a shorter service of Holy Communion is offered on Wednesdays at 7.30pm.
Mid Week
During the week Morning Prayer is said Monday to Friday at 9.00am, and a shorter service of Holy Communion is offered on Wednesdays at 7.30pm.
Other mid Week Communions are held throughout the month. Please contact us for details.
1st The Departed (Requiem) 2nd With Prayer Ministry 3rd The Mission of the Church 4th Mary the Mother of God 5th The Unity of the Church