There is a picture in ‘Scouting for Boys’ of Lord Baden-Powell sitting amidst the family fun of Xmas Day, writing letters. He said that a present wasn’t really yours until you had said ‘thank you’! – so, I ask, “Have you written your Xmas ‘thank you letters’ yet?” – And, while you are about it, why not write a letter to God as well, to say thank you for all his blessings, and for the greatest gift of all, the gift of His Son? 

And, have you made any New Year Resolutions? Mine is almost always the same (- which tells you how bad I am at keeping it!): I vow to be better at keeping in touch with my friends and relations by visits, letters and ‘phone calls. I reckon it would be good to include God in that list as well, and to try and spend time listening and being more alert to His presence!
Sun 18th Jan Pulpit Swap - Revd Duncan Campbell will be preaching

Mon 19th Jan 8pm Kingswood Baptist

Tues 20th Jan 8pm Garston Community Church 

Wed 21st Jan 12.15pm North Watford Methodist

Thurs 22nd Jan 5.30pm - 7.30pm Leavesden Road

Baptist Family Flexi Church with singing, arts and crafts, activities and family food all welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult

Fri 24th Jan 8pm Woodside Church of the Nazarene

Sat 25th Jan 10.30am Grace Communion at St Peters

Sun 26th Jan 4pm Christ Church

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!

In the New Year it is traditional to take a thoughtful look at ourselves and where we are – even who we are. I was reminded of this early December when I had to fill in a form describing the worshiping tradition and spirituality of the parish. Like many of these things the form soon descended into ‘Christianese’!

One option was Central – or ‘Middle of the Road’. Every Parish I have ever worshiped in thought it was ‘Middle of the Road’. Unfortunately the ‘Middle of the Road’ is always moving about - and there is a lot about us at All Saints that is not ‘Middle of the Road’. We have votive candles, incense, a robed choir, processions, servers, statues of saints, Stations of the Cross, and our main Sunday service is always Holy Communion. Not only do we have these things but we inhabit them - they are a part of how we pray, how we live and how we worship. We are not ‘Middle of the Road’.

So perhaps we are High Church - well this wasn't even an option! High always seems to come with a following ‘and Dry’ and All Saints is anything but dry. There is an infectious enthusiasm to our worship and family life, evidenced in how we share the peace, greet one another and wave flags. I know a few folks in a Matins congregation who would consider us rather Happy Clappy!

Happy Clappy was also not on the list, but Charismatic was. You may associate Charismatic with Evangelical teaching and loud worship bands. Yet in Anglicanism the Charismatic started in churches much like All Saints and spread through places of pilgrimage like Walsingham. Archbishop Ramsey was a great supporter of the movement too. At All Saints we have an openness to the Spirit, especially expressed in prayer ministry and the laying on of hands, and in some of the more modern hymns, chants and songs we sing.

Inclusive was also (sadly) not on the list. At All Saints we have an openness to all people and their ministry irrespective of their gender or who they have fallen in love with. Fr. Jeffry John is an inspiration to many of us too. Last year Fr. Jeffrey visited All Saints with other ordained men and women who are members of the Society of Catholic Priests - he would describe himself as Anglo-Catholic.

As would I.

I am an Anglican Catholic, which ddoesn'tmean I am secretly a Roman Catholic, any more than an Anglican Evangelical is secretly a Baptist Evangelical. What it does mean is that I see Anglicanism as part of a great family of spirituality that includes Lutherans, Wesleyans, Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Middle and Far Eastern Christians. Catholic to me is a broad inclusive term that speaks of spirituality and depth. It sums up the richness of sign, symbol and sacrament we treasure at All Saints, and our welcome to all.

And so I put Catholic. And to reflect our openness to the work of the Spirit among us in action, prayer and song I went for … Contemporary Catholic.

Which doesn't really matter that much – forget the label, it was only for a form! But I hope the process of getting there reminds us of what is so special and unique at All Saints, as individuals and as a worshiping congregation. We bring together different paths and experiences into a community rooted in a precious history, centred on breaking of bread and sharing of wine as we offer our all to God. This New Year, may we all grow into the fullness of what God has called us to be.

With love.

Fr. Eddie
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