
Vicar: Father Eddie Green

Eddie is passionate about growing together as God's family in Word, Sacrament and Spirit. Eddie worked in marketing in the construction industry before formation for ordained ministry at Westcott House in Cambridge. He has contributed to Fresh Expressions, Greenbelt and On Fire, the national group committed to Charismatic Anglo Catholic Renewal. He is married to Sarah who is a full time Christian Children & Families Worker, and together they enjoy camping, vintage clothing and Nintendo. You can contact Eddie at

Reader: Wendy Simpson

An active Christian for over 25 years and a Reader for 16, Wendy has a particular ministry to give pastoral care to the sick, the housebound and the bereaved and to others who feel the need for someone to listen to them. Wendy preaches and leads worship on a regular basis, having a particular responsibility for Evensong. Wendy is authorised as an NHS Chaplain.

Reader: Charles Porter

Charles has  been an active Christian throughout his life and has always had a passion for spreading the gospel. As a teenager he regularly took assemblies in secondary school and formed a Christian Union to promote the gospel. Preaching and leading services led to Charles being licensed as a Reader in 1999. For 25 years Charles served God’s people in Leavesden Green (St. Hilda's), leading them in worship and prayer. Charles has children and grandchildren and enjoys spending time with them as they learn and grow.

Reader: Sue Oxlade

Sue is All Saints longest standing member - although certainly not our oldest! She has recently completed her Reader training.

Retired Priest: Peter Banyard

Peter has many years of parish and sector ministry, and is a valued member of our team.